Découvrez la carte des sentiers de fatbike

Winter Trail Map

Discover the winter trail. Our 3.5 km trails are ideal for those who want to learn how to ride a fatbike and have a smooth experience. Close to a bicycle path, our network includes 5 trails, 3 easy and 2 intermediate. View the map Before you venture out, make sure you have your daily access. […]
Sortie Fatbike - Bromont

For a successful first outing

We advice you to stay in our trails which forms a 3,5 km ride total, so you can warm up to the discipline and make sure that you are ready to embark in a longer ride with more elevation gain, for example, the Mont-Oak. You could also consider participating in a technical coaching session; 90 […]
BOURSE THÉO pour le leadership et l'implication

Theo Grant

Thanks to generous donors, the CNCB is proud to present two Theo bursaries of a value of $1000 each, to two people who have distinguished themselves in the sports community. The Theo Leadership and Involvement Bursary recognizes and rewards two individuals who have been actively and continuously involved in the various activities of the CNCB […]