Conference on doping prevention in cycling
Presented by FQSCThe CNCB is delighted to welcome Karine Corrion, a specialist in social psychology applied to sport, for her conference on doping prevention in cycling. She will present her research on the vulnerability factors leading to doping among top-level cyclists. The event takes place just before the Holiday Classic, in our multi-purpose room at the HUB. Free registration.
Although a number of psychological factors explaining and determining doping in athletes have been identified and have acquired scientific legitimacy, it is important to note that our understanding of the phenomenon in sport remains perfectible. Indeed, much of the literature tends to focus on singular dimensions of vulnerability, such as physical or psychological aspects. This fragmented approach can hinder a comprehensive understanding of how multiple forms of vulnerability can converge on doping behavior. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies that attempt to categorize these different types of vulnerability, thus limiting the applicability of the findings to screen, detect and better prevent doping. Therefore, in this conference, we will look at a holistic approach to vulnerability situations that may explain the use of doping products among high-level cyclists. This work is the result of interviews with top-level volunteer cyclists who have resorted to doping at some point in their sporting careers, recruited from all French-speaking territories with the help of national federations (Fédération Française de Cyclisme, Fédération Québécoise de Sports Cyclistes) and partner anti-doping organizations.
Karine Corrion is a lecturer in social psychology applied to sport and health at the Université Côte d’Azur (École Universitaire de Recherche Healthy, Campus Sciences du sport). Her research focuses on the psychosocial factors behind rule-breaking and doping, the prevention of risky behaviors affecting health and performance, and health promotion in sport. She works with various federal sports structures (national sports federations, training centers). She is also an associate researcher at the Research Chair on Anti-doping in Sport.